Sunday, September 22, 2013

Effects of Technology

Imagine being on top of the world. The best of the best. Number one. This is exactly how Stephen Murray, 3 time world champion BMX rider, was described from 2000 to 2007. Now imagine everything being stripped away from you. Everything you have worked on your whole life is gone. No longer can you go out every day and do what you love. This is exactly how Stephen Murray was described on June 22, 2007, and still is to this day. Stephen suffered a career ending injury that left him paralyzed from the shoulders down.

Stephen Murray has spent the past 5 years in a wheelchair, not able to do anything active. Everything he does requires the help of his family and friends. Many people would not be able to handle this situation, but Stephen keeps fighting with the hope that one day he can hold his children.

After 5 years of hardship and struggle, imagine that someone came along and gave you something that let you communicate freely and be far more independent than you had ever been since everything was taken from you. That is what the technology company, Tobii, did for Stephen, and anyone else in a similar situation. Tobii is soon to release eye-tracking technology for Windows 8.This gives Stephen, and other paralytics, the ability to have access to computers for the first time since their accidents. Tobii brings a new way to use computers and tablets without touching a thing (Article on Tobii invention).
This story really made me appreciate what I have and what I take for granted. It made me think a lot about me and the world around me. But then after some time of sentiment, my thoughts wandered to what the limits of technology are. Inventions like the one Tobii has come out with and other helpful gadgets really do make life easier and simpler, but at what point will they start becoming harmful? I don’t come close to understanding how these things work. I also don’t know what more scientists and engineers can come up with. We all love a story where someone invents something that gives others access to different things in life they could not have before, but there has to be a point at which technology starts to hurt us. I don’t want to be a damper on this story, I just want to provide a different viewpoint on how technology can affect us. If you have an opinion or any thoughts about the progression of technology and its effects on us, feel free to comment below.

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