Do you think our already technology rife world could use a bit more gadgets? Look no further than to Google, who just purchased Nest, a home automation company in California for a grand total of $3.2 billion.
What exactly does Nest do? So far they have released two home products on the market. A thermostat and a smoke/CO detector, both going for $249. doesn’t sound like much.
Google made this purchase was because they were investing in the future. Nest had been trying to take everyday objects, like a refrigerator or an oven, and make it more efficient, and integrated into a whole electronic system.
This whole new market has been called the “Internet of Things”. Everyday objects all interconnected. Lowe’s, AT&T, Belkin, LG, and Samsung are among the giants who are beginning to invest in this new market.
Some products getting ready for release are the LG HomeChat washer that you are able to text, A Crockpot from Belkin that can be used with an app, and home locks that can be opened or closed with an app.
Right now the biggest block in the road to the future of electronics is the amount of independent systems existing already, that do the job these bigger companies are trying to do. The way I see it, that is really good. Instead of a company like Samsung prematurely releasing a product to make some quick cash, They are going to have to wait a bit until what they make is better than what is already available. Hooray for consumers!
I’m personally looking forward to the arrival of this technology. Many people are afraid of what this would mean in terms of privacy, but I don’t think that will be much of an issue.
Thoughts? Comment below with whatever you want to say about this.